First Visit
Positive Movement physiotherapists and massage therapists make it their mission to provide each patient with individualised, high-quality care.
Please arrive 10 minutes early for your appointment, for registration and to fill in a health questionnaire.
When you come for your appointment please remember to obtain and bring the following:
- Referral letter from GP or specialist, if relevant.
- Private health insurance card (private patients)
- Copies of results, x-rays, or scans and any other relevant information.
Workcover claims:
- Workcover certificate: Please ensure this is current and does request physiotherapy.
- Claim number: if known.
- Case manager name and contact details: if known.
CDM Program patients:
- Medicare card and your debit (not credit) card for Medicare rebate processing.
- CDM Management Plan paperwork (if not already provided to us).
DVA patients:
- DVA health card.